Should every package in the library have a matching collection automatically?
For example Classic Shell is a package provided by Admin Arsenal in the Package Library. This is great.
However there does not appear to be a matching collection for it in the Collection Library. But shouldn't there be one?
All collections in the Collection Library are built manually. There are a few packages in the Package Library that never received a corresponding collection. I will bring this up with the Packaging team, but I don't know when/if a collection might be built.
I could understand if you guys never do ones for these older packages that haven't been updated in years (2017 for Classic Shell), but it would be really nice if newer packages could have matching collections that stay updated. It just makes it so much easier since they'll show up when running a report on Old Applications.
If there is not an auto library, I build out ones for every package we deploy.
This means that scheduled app updates are just one deployment of nested packages that only affect non-current versions