Scanned registry value as column in inventory
I have added a scan to find the last Sam user of a PC which drags that from the windows registry of the machine. Is there any way to add this value as a column to the main inventory search page?
No. The only way to display custom data as a column is to use Custom Fields, which scanners cannot populate.
Not the answer i was hoping for but i guess that gives the folks at PDQ an opportunity for a new feature one day :)
Thank's again Dagannoth Rex
With the assistance of Corey from PDQ support a solution has been found. you are able to use the new PowerShell function to get the information from the PDQ database and import the data into the custom fields.
Link to PDQ blog article:
My working solution:
PDQ Inventory > Options > Custom Fields > New Field > Text > Enter Field name for me this was "Last SAM User"
PDQ Inventory > Options > Scan Profiles > Standard > Add >
Include Patterns = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\LastLoggedOnSAMUser
Row Limit = 1
# Set the Path to your PDQ Database #
$DBPath = "C:\programdata\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db"
# Create SQLLite Query agains the Database to get the information. #
# NOTE: SQLLite uses Double pipe "||" in place of the MSSql "+" to combine data. this query has been structured this way to format the data with a comma ready for use in the Temp CSV#
$SQL = "select || ',' || RegistryEntries.Value from Computers join RegistryEntries on RegistryEntries.ComputerId=Computers.ComputerId where'LastLoggedOnSAMUser' and (RegistryEntries.Value is not null or RegistryEntries.Value <> '');"
# Setting the contents of the varible "$Computers" to be the results of the SQL Querey #
$Computers = sqlite3.exe $DBPath $SQL
# Uncomment the line below to test your results before going further. #
# WRITE-output $Computers
# Setting the Name of the Custom filed the data will populate #
$CustomFieldName = "Last SAM User"
# Create Temp File to be read into PDQ Inventory #
$TempFile = New-TemporaryFile
$Computers | Out-File $TempFile
# Import Contents of Temp CSV file into the custom Field of PDQInventory #

# NOTE: As we are using the SQL to populate the Comma we wont be using a header so "-NoHeader" must be included and the computerColumn set to 1 as that is the first column. Like wise we are defining 2=$CustomFieldName as the 2nd column is the data we are importing into that custom field#
PDQInventory.exe ImportCustomFields -FileName $TempFile -ComputerColumn 1 -CustomFields "2=$CustomFieldName" -NoHeader -AllowOverwrite
Hope this helps someone else
I'd recommend exporting a CSV from a Report/Auto Report instead of accessing the database directly, since that can cause corruption.
If you choose to stick with direct access, I recommend using the -csv switch for sqlite3.exe instead of adding || ',' || to the query.