Scan only logged in user appdata folder
Hi, first sorry for my clumsy write, as its a bit hard for me to explain. But hoping someone can give me and answer.
Is there a way to scan under appdata, but only for the current logged in user?
My company wants to distribute some images the employees should use in MS Teams as background. Instead of each user doing this by themselves, I wanted to do it with PDQ Deploy.
But I also wants to have an inventory, so I can check who has the files or who does not have them, and then only run the deploy on the missing ones.
The inventory part is where I'll struggling right now.
Teams will put manually added images into this folder:
Can I somehow scan that folder for only the logged in user right now?
So if some specific files are present in the folder it doesn't copy the images, or else it does.
The challenge arises because we have some shared computers, which multiple users can use and I don't want it to copy the images, to all users if all already got them. But if its a new user on that computer, is should copy the images. On top of that I don't see a point in trying to copy the images out to every admin, default what ever folder, when its only needed for specific users.
I can get it to scan C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads\, but how to I control, that the current logged in user has the images, and its not another user instead?
Remove "C:\" from the start of that. %APPDATA% starts with the system drive letter.
Yes. On your Scan Profile, set Scan As to "Logged on User". For your Include Pattern, use:
I recommend giving Default a second chance. If you copy the images to the Default user profile (C:\Users\Default), any new users will get them automatically. That way you would only have to deploy to each computer once.
for my Windows 10 machines I use
I tried with scan as logged on user, but then it doesn't return anything.
My scan profile looks like this:
Scan As: Logged on user
Files & Directories: C:\%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads\*.jpg
I'm testing on my on computer, where I have jpg files in both my own Background folder, but also the local administrators Background folder.
It doesn't change anything if I use %userprofile%\Appdata\ instead of %appdata%
Oh, stupid me. I tried with \%appdata%, but PDQ didn't allow it without a drive letter. I didn't think of trying without the first \.