Powershell Scanner GitHub Repository: User Group Info on Windows 7
I'm successfully using the User Group Info scanner on Windows 10.
Windows 7 is giving me trouble. No results, a few different errors. Most prevalent being the following:
Exception calling "FindOne" with "0" argument(s): "The objectsid= search filter is invalid."
Has anyone gotten this scanner working in Windows 7 via installing .NET or Powershell packages? Or could it be missing modules that may need to be imported?
I think I might see where the problem is coming from. Look at the following registry key on one of your Windows 7 machines:
Does it contain a property named "LastLoggedOnUserSID"?
I just built a Windows 7 VM, and it is missing that property. I opened an issue, and I will be submitting a PR soon.
Great, thanks!