RealPlayer uninstall fails
Return code: 255
'RealPlayer' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Created the package from PDQ inventory by R click, added /S parameter. I get the above message.
c:\program files (x86)\real\realplayer\Update\r1puninst.exe" RealNetworks|RealPlayer|20.0 /S
The pipe character `|` is special in CMD. I think `RealNetworks|RealPlayer|20.0` is a list of options. Try this:
Made your change. Still running at 7 minutes........
Still "running" at 12 minutes.
Looks like I was wrong:
Try this:
I saw that post as well, seems to be stuck on "running" as well.
I did a
'product get name'
in cmd line and it does not list realplayer. Lists RealDownloader; however, I do not see a realplayer. There is a RealNetworks - Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.61030
but again, no realplayer. If I type realplayer in the search bar, it opens up. I need to uninstall this off 100+ computers.
Still looking for help creating an uninstall package for RealPlayer.
I tested my previous suggestion in a VM and it worked. Make sure you're using -s, not /s. Also, test the command manually on a target outside of Deploy to make sure no windows pop up.
"C:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\Update\r1puninst.exe" "RealNetworks|RealPlayer|20.0" -s
Oops, I missed something when I copied from IT Ninja. It should be "Program Files (x86)". The person who posted on IT Ninja was probably using a 32-bit OS.
Sorry, that failed as well. I do appreciate your help. You can see that the path does appear correct.
Did you try creating a bat file with the uninstall command, copying the bat file locally to machine and calling the bat file from your PDQ Job?
No idea how to do that.
Does the following command work if you run in manually on workstation?
From cmd line, run as admin, I pasted that in. I didn't get any errors, just back to the prompt. Still see RealPlayer listed in Apps and Features, so appears to still be installed.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer\Update\r1puninst.exe" "RealNetworks|RealPlayer|18.1" -s
If it's running for 55 minutes then something isn't right.
what do you see when you navigate to HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall and look for real player? Are they same version across all workstation you are trying to uninstall?
The one on the IT39 machine is 18.1 so I changed the 20 to 18.1
Again this is from PDQ inventory and adding the " " around the second part and adding -s
So the file path is correct through File Explorer and correct as per the Registry.
I can't see why it won't work. Argh! Thank you again for your help.
We had issues with uninstalling certain application when they were installed via network share. We ended up using MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab and used it to uninstall. I hope Real Player isn't installed on like 100 computers :)
So are you saying I cannot use PDQ to uninstall RealPlayer from our 100+ computers?
I am not saying that, I use PDQ to install, update, uninstall on over 1000 AD objects. I am saying in your case, it may be a corrupt install of RealPlayer. Try downloading MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab from Microsoft and use that to see if it lets you do the uninstall.
I tried this out myself and was running into the exact same issue with the uninstaller running without stopping, until I went to the "Options" tab for the package and changed the deployment from Run As: Deploy User to Run As: Local System.
I know it's been a week but I'm curious if this would have fixed it for you.
And this was only with the command
I first tried creating a deployment to copy a batch file with the command locally and running it directly from the target PC, but it didn't work until I set it to deploy as Local System. When that worked, I switched to only sending a command to run the uninstaller and it worked.