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Flash (Windows Embedded) Collection Not Accurate

I am currently using the collection provided for Flash (Windows Embedded) to target workstations for deployment of KB4577586 (Removal of Flash Player).  For the most part, this has been working great, but I have a few computers that are returning an error code that the patch is not necessary.  I looked into it further on one machine and found that KB4577586 had been installed on March 19, 2021, but it is not showing in HotFixes (which is what the collection looks at).

Has anyone else run into this?  Is there a way to update HotFixes to show this is installed, or a way to update the collection looking at a different indicator on if Flash is present?

I did check under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages

and found they key indicating it is installed.  I could set up a Registry Scanner for that.

I also found that C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash is empty.  I suspect I could set up a file scanner to look for that.

I'm hoping for something simpler than either of those options.



Date Votes
  • So far my collection has been accurate. I just deployed a ton of removals and had no errors other than when i tried deploying the wrong version of the removal to the wrong SP level. I wish they had 1 patch for all versions of Win10 not one for every version.

    Are you by chance experiencing this with a specific subset of versions like 1607?

  • craig.mohr No, I've had success across every subset of versions.

    The exception is, the packages provided for Server 2012R2 and Server 2016 (which is the same as 1607 LTSB) return an error that the update does not apply.  The one for 2019 (which is the same as 1809 LTSC) worked fine.

  • So I spoke too soon. I just had a 1607 fail with your same error. These are the only ones that failed out of 1607, 1807, 1909, 2009, and 2004 and not all of them failed even.

  • craig.mohr The one workstation I have that failed is 1607 LTSB.  I have another 1607 LTSB that failed too, but I haven't checked it manually to prove it was the same error.

    Nor have I manually checked two 1703s that also failed, but they're my only 1703s left and those boxes are getting replaced next month, so I'm not too worried about them.

  • I have plenty of 1607s that worked great though!
