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Date Votes
  • Edit:
    Here is the link to Microsoft's download page :)

    What's new in the Windows Desktop client | Microsoft Docs


    I am not sure why Mircosoft calls it Windows Desktop Client on the website.
    The application is actually called "Microsoft Remote Desktop" when you download and install it.

    Anyway I second this request to get it added as a package in the library.

    Thank you.

    //Henrik Ekenberg

  • I too have voted on this.

  • Any update on this please?

  • A duplicate of this request has been added here:

    Package for Microsoft Azure Remote Desktop client – Support (

  • Would be a great addition to the package library!

  • Package library for this would be awesome if it could check for active connections. Currently taking forever to get this to roll out each time it updates. Usually half the computers are still waiting on an update when a new version comes out....

  • David Hudec can you check for two processes running? If both msrdc.exe and msrdcw.exe are, there's probably an active connection.

  • $Processes = Get-Process
    if ( $Processes.ProcessName -contains "msrdc" -OR $Processes.ProcessName -contains "msrdcw") {
      #Write-Output "Process Found - stopping"
      Exit 0
    } Else {
      #Write-Output "Process Not Found"

    Liam Bramwell
    That's exactly what I do. Powershell to check either of those processes are running, if not running then it's safe to update. If they are running stop the deployment and try again in 90 minutes
