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Uninstall not working - Error 1605

Hi all,

I am attempting to uninstall an application using a CMD step in Deploy. I got the uninstall string from Inventory, which includes /qn and /norestart. I am getting a 1605 error code indicating the program or version does not exist. However, when I run the same exact string on the computer in an elevated CMD prompt, it uninstalls successfully. I am running the uninstall as the same user that was used to install the app from an msi file through a Deploy package. I have also verified the UUID and uninstall string from the registry on the computer.




Date Votes
  • My guess is that it's an msiexec uninstall string with a GUID. If so, those are often version-specific. Try this in PowerShell:

    Uninstall-Package -Name 'Application Name Here'
  • Yes, it is an msiexec uninstall string. If it is a version difference causing it, why would it work when run directly on the computer?

    I tried the PoSh cmdlet, but it hung. I tried adding -confirm, but I got an "InvalidOperation" failure.

  • Which application are you trying to uninstall?

  • It is called "Exclaimer Cloud Signature Update Agent".

  • I'm not familiar with that application. You may need to reach out to the company that publishes it and ask them how to uninstall it silently.
