Run Command powershell version
When I "run a command" from PDQ Inventory and set to use powershell on windows 2012R2 it seems to default to powershell version 4, is there anyway to set the version it uses ? As powershell 7 is installed.
Can Powershell 4 even be removed from windows 2012R2 ?
PowerShell Core (currently version 7) is a different executable, pwsh.exe vs powershell.exe. Deploy and Inventory do not have native integration with PowerShell Core. You would have to call pwsh.exe in your script.
PowerShell 4 cannot be removed, but it can be updated to 5.1.
Thanks for the feedback and hints
Is PDQ going to adopt PS7 at some point? Can we change the default %systemroot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\V1.0\PowerShell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass command line when on a powershell step with out clicking custom and modifying every package?
Yeah...that's super annoying.
Changing it to "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Causes this in the log files...
[31;1mGet-Service: [0mC:\Windows\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-1\exec\user.ps1:1[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1mLine |[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m 1 | [0m [36;1mget-service "*screenconnect*"[0m | remove-service[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[0m[36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[31;1m[31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mService 'MyServiceNameRedacted[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[31;1m[31;1m[36;1m[31;1m[36;1m | [31;1m(d125c445-7374-479b-92dc-d5be24fdfb80))' cannot be queried due to the following error:[0m
[31;1mException: [0mC:\Windows\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-1\exec\Error Handling Wrapper.ps1:58[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1mLine |[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m 58 | [0m [36;1mThrow $_.Exception.ErrorRecord[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[0m[36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[0m
[31;1m[0m[36;1m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[0m[36;1m[31;1m[31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mScriptHalted[0m
Unfortunately Remove-Service isn't available until PowerShell 6....which also doesn't appear to be natively supported.