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PDQ Inventory and Windows 11

Windows 11 computers in my workstation list are showing an unidentified O/S. Is there a update in the works that will show this as 11? 



Date Votes
  • I am not showing the unidentified OS.  I have no way of finding out who has upgraded.  When can we expect an update on this?

  • The current version,, shows Windows 11.

  • I have created a dynamic collection that shows all who have Windows 11.  I just can't get it to show if it is the latest or not.  The collection just looks at OS Name and if it has 11 in it.  That works.  Just can't show the latest version installed or not.

  • Add Computer O/S Version equals 10.0.22000.194 to your criteria. That's the release build of 11.

  • Today's Patch Tuesday, so I bet PDQ will create Windows 11 collections under Windows Updates today or tomorrow.

  • I was wondering along those same lines kind of....  The dynamic collection PDQ has set up calls to look for latest.  But I don't think there has been an update for 11 yet, so maybe it can't find "latest" because only one version of 11 exists?  Not sure I make any sense.  But I'll wait and see what they do soon.

  • I just upgraded a PC to Windows 11, now PDQ Inventory shows the device is offline so I can't push any Install packages via PDQ Deploy. With the Windows 10 machines I had to turn off Windows Defender so it can appear online on PDQ inventory. I have Windows Defender turned off on the Windows 11 PC but is still showing up offline. 

  • Dquintero

    You probably need to enable ICMP in Windows Firewall:

    Also, you should probably set up exclusions in Windows Defender instead of turning it off:
