Microsoft Edge for Business Dynamic Collection snag
hoping someone can help me figure out why i'm hitting a road block on something super simple here. Trying to build a dynamic collection for Edge for business for the usual Up to Date, Old, etc so i can have them automatically update right.... so this is what i have currently and it has ALMOST every desktop show up like it should but missing some for some reason and not sure why when i spot check one thats missing it matches the same info as another that does
Why not use the ones built into the Collection Library?

ahh always forget about the canned ones. i did just notice that while Edge is installed, the missing devices are showing this:
and the good ones show this
i've seen the same thing w/ Chrome and end up needing to repush the app and then its good but not sure why that happens but i think i should be good ! thanks for the help!
Also use the Version Equal, lower than, higher than, between, etc. when running collections like this, it seems to work better.