Inventory all Users Profiles in registry with .bak extension and cleanup ?
Is there a way for PDQ to find all machines that have registry with user profile as .bak ?
I have few machines that have .bak user profile due to some issue for roaming profile on a file server and have caused few user profile corruption across the machines on the network. Is there a way for PDQ to list machines that have the profile list named as .bak in ?
HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Once IT review the list , another script to action and delete the .bak profile ?
Thank you
Yes, this should be possible using a custom scan profile and a report or a dynamic collection.
Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*.bak
You can construct a report, auto report, dynamic collection, etc. as desired to find and report on these computers.