Intune Enrollment Status Collection
I'm curious if it's possible to create a collection within PDQ Inventory which will give the status of if the computer is currently enrolled within Intune (Endpoint Manager) or not. I'm not sure if this is possible with a Powershell scanner or looking at a specific registry key on the computer itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
function Get-MDMEnrollmentStatus {
Get Windows 10 MDM Enrollment Status.
Get Windows 10 MDM Enrollment Status with Translated Error Codes.
Returns $null if Device is not enrolled to an MDM.
# Get Windows 10 MDM Enrollment status
#Locate correct Enrollment Key
$EnrollmentKey = Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\* | Get-ItemProperty | Where-Object -FilterScript {$null -ne $_.UPN}
return $EnrollmentKey
PDQ could do this, we'd just need to find an identifier that would show if the PC was enrolled or not. I couldn't really find anything like a registry key that is created that says the PC is "Intune Managed". I made a scanner that looks for 3 potential identifiers that are created as part of Intune Enrollment, but are not a flag itself.
I don't know if this is 100% accurate because it doesn't seem to reflect all of the computers I've enrolled in Intune and we have many remote computers. But the folder and registry keys show up in a majority of computers at least.
I'd be interested in a better way to tell, but this is the best I have right now.
Thanks James for the suggestion. I did try that but unfortunately not every computer shows up when doing it that way (like you said). I think I did find a reliable way of doing it however. I found a script online and converted it into a Powershell Scanner and created a collection to look for the UPN field to see if a certain string exists. So far, that seems to pick up every computer enrolled into Intune. Look at the next post for the script to use for the powershell scanner.