PDQ + MDT Errors (using psexec.exe method)
I just set up MDT and it works well to deploy my OS. I followed the instructions on this PDQ video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4oHCfVD--U) to set up an integration between MDT and PDQ, but it fails with these types of errors (I have adjusted the server/fqdn's to be more generic):
The handle is invalid.
At \\em.fqdn.com\DeploymentShare$\Scripts\PDQ_Deploy_Package.ps1:4 char:1
+ psexec.exe \\em.fqdn.com -h -accepteula ipconfig /flushdns
NotSpecified: (The handle is invalid.:String) [], RemoteException
Connecting to em.fqdn.com…
At \\em.fqdn.com\DeploymentShare$\Scripts\PDQ_Deploy_Package.ps1:4 char:1
+ psexec.exe \\em.fqdn.com -h -accepteula ipconfig /flushdns
These errors continue for this line of the script and then a bunch for the next line:
NotSpecified: (The handle is invalid.:String) [], RemoteException
Connecting to em.fqdn.com…
At \\em.fqdn.com\DeploymentShare$\Scripts\PDQ_Deploy_Package.ps1:5 char:1
+psexec.exe \\em.fqdn.com -h -accepteula pdqdeploy.exe Deplo ...
Any ideas what might be causing this? If I log on to the machine in question as an admin, I can run the powershell script fine and begin the package deployment from PDQ. It seems like maybe a permissions issue in triggering that script from MDT. One final note - I have MDT and PDQ Deploy/Inventory installed on the same server (shown here as "em.fqdn.com").
I've resolved this, but it took many iterations of small changes, and I'm not 100% sure what fixed it - but I wanted to share anyways.
My biggest change was changing the second step (the one running the script) from a "Run PowerShell Script" that looked like this:
...to a "Run Command Line" (running as the MDT user) that looks like this:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %SCRIPTROOT%\PDQ_Deploy_Package.ps1
The -ExecutionPolicy Bypass temporarily bypasses the UAT settings.