Quick Assist Help
We use Quick Assist for remote assistance and it works great. Recently Microsoft decided to only allow use through the software store. Does anyone know of a way to deploy software store apps?
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We use Quick Assist for remote assistance and it works great. Recently Microsoft decided to only allow use through the software store. Does anyone know of a way to deploy software store apps?
If you are able to get a hold of the .appxbundle for the new Quick Assist, you should be able to deploy it using the method described in the following post: https://help.pdq.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4404592073243-Howto-Add-AppxPackage-for-All-Users

i stumbled upon the following site
PowerShell Script to install the new Quick Assist silently. | DroidKid
and used it in PDQ
- created an new scanning profile:
- created a dynamic collection with all the computers that didn't have the Quick Assist app installed
- I placed the appx file + script of Droidkid in the repository folder
- created a package Quick_Assist with the folowing powershell script and ran it as "Deploy user (interactive)"
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file \\ghwsus01\PDQ$\Repository\Quick_Assist\Quick-Assist-Package.ps1 -install
- I made it run once, and scheduled it weekly for devices in the Dynamic Collection
The Quick assist needs a reboot, but I don't force it upon install. The pc's will reboot from time to time.
I hope you can use it.
This is great! Thanks
Great information. Additional to this, is there a way to run a report/collection to find all the devices running the old Quick Assist version so we can push out the new Windows Store version??