Trigger Deployment upon Package Update
I am assuming the answer is no, since I don't see anything in the Triggers tab of the schedule editor, but is there a way to trigger a schedule once the associated packed has bee updated? I just want my browsers to be automatically updated every time a new version is available.
I don't think so. I have a heartbeat schedule to update browsers, but even that depends on machines going offline and coming back online. You can always fire that schedule off on demand though.
Is there a spot for submitting feature requests?
You could have a heartbeat schedule that points at a dynamic collection of computers that is always running. Have the filters for the dynamic group check to see if the app version is less than the latest version according to the PDQ variables for that software.
We currently use a PDQ Inventory collection that is setup to look for devices that contain old version of Chrome. I am not sure if this is built-in or if a previous employee set this up. So using the heartbeat with this collection should do the trick?
That might work for laptops but based on this documentation, it won't be effective for desktops as they are always online.
You can simply add another interval-based trigger in addition to the heartbeat trigger.
My understanding is that schedules will trigger again on computers once the associated package has been updated. So this is the implicit behavior. My schedules have always been very basic, and when I update a package the targets get that package again.
Typically, if my package has a reboot I'll run it on a specified schedule. Otherwise for programs like web browsers, I'll set it to run one time with a piggy back heartbeat and most computers get the update.
James: When you say "schedules will trigger again on computers once the associated package has been updated", are you referencing schedules with Heartbeat triggers, or all schedules. Because my schedules with a Weekly trigger definitely do NOT automatically trigger once a package is updated.
I have a few schedules that run auto update packages, 7-zip for example. They run every week at the same time with no heartbeat and against a collection of old software, i.e. 7-Zip (Old). I have another schedule that targets a collection of my "New computers" that haven't been assigned to users and updates a bunch of different software that runs hourly with no heartbeat.
Both of these schedules will update my computers whenever a package gets update, I don't think I did anything special to enable this. I also wouldn't think it would be tied to a heartbeat or any other specific trigger since that just determines when a schedule happens and not what computers get the deployment.
This might be more of a question for on how the backend functions of the schedules work and how to leverage that. Maybe contact them with your schedule, package, and collection xml's.