Remote agent
It would be awesome if there were a remote PDQ agent that could be deployed and would communicate with PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy - similar to RMM tools on the market. PDQ products exceeds the ca...
Help with Command step
I have an executable that I need to run on workstations. There is an associated .ini file that needs to be in the same directory when the .exe is ran. I have a command step that has the command lis...
Help filtering computers where app A is installed and App B is not installed
Hi, I am struggling with a dynamic query where I am looking for computers where App A is installed and App B is not installed. My latest attempt is still failing. I have the following: All Applicat...
Finding Click-Once app location
I have a special need where I need to replace several configuration files that are installed with an app via Click-Once. I cannot use Click-Once to do this as the part I need to change is the URL w...