Josh Mackelprang
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Latest activity by Josh Mackelprang-
Josh Mackelprang created an article, All Signed PowerShell Execution Policy
Purpose You receive an error when running a PowerShell script or command from PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory similar to: You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about ru...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hey Geoff, A quick foreach loop in PowerShell should take care of this, $files = Get-ChildItem C:\Users\*\Desktop\your_shortcut.lnk foreach ($file in $files) { Remove-Item $file -Force -WhatIf...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, This is really a matter of personal preference, just keep in mind what access your defined accounts in PDQ need access to Personally, I would suggest DFS servers and using pull mode as that wil...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, The run-as options are usually only needing to be modified for very specific installers, the Deploy User in most cases will be the best choice. Firefox for example, if ran under the context "D...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, Something like this should do the trick: -Josh
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, Patrick is correct, there is not a way to do this directly within Deploy, but you could accomplish something similar with schedules, and some manual cleanup. Schedule 1: File-Copy all required ...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, Its not possible to run a scan as the logged on user, but a files and directories scanner can still get that information, see this KB for more information: https://support.pdq.com/knowledge-bas...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi Gilbert, This link should get you going in the right direction: https://documentation.pdq.com/PDQInventory/ The collection library is also always...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Hi, You'll likely want to structure your filters like this: All > Not Any > Application Name > Contains > (app_name) This will also return machines in your console that have not been scanned, so t...
Josh Mackelprang commented, Robert, Thank you for agreeing to work with Jason on this issue. We value feedback from admins like yourself who manage large numbers of machines. We have been able to make tweaks to the applicati...