William Brinker
Activity overview
Latest activity by William Brinker-
William Brinker created a post, PDQ Deploy Windows 7 Security-Only Deployment
Has anyone done a setup where they only push out Security-Only Updates to the machines that are already on the latest and push Monthly Rollup to those who need more than the most recent?We have a n...
William Brinker created a post, Issue deploying to shared docking station
I work with a police department and they use shared docking stations with devices they normally use in their cars. When they come in and attach to the docking station, the docking station NIC is wh...
William Brinker commented, I had the issue earlier this week. https://support.pdq.com/hc/en-us/requests/103910. PDQ Deploy 15 Release 3 build 16 fixed it for me.
William Brinker created a post, Inventory Report of Collections
Is there a way to run a report that shows what collections a computer is in?