Austin Dukes
Good idea, thanks. I will give this a try.
Ok, so I just ran it as that while I was logged in and it works. Basically, though, I cant do this unless there is an active user to run against? I was trying to have it flip while the machine at ...
Misunderstood the question, so I deleted the post. My bad :(
It seems that sending the Wake command isn't changing the status to Online. I verified the machine actually wakes up when offline, so its getting the packet, but still shows offline in Inventory. M...
Is this what I need: Invoke-Command -ComputerName "<SERVER_NAME>" -ScriptBlock{ pdqinventory.exe ADSync -StartSync }
I was thinking something similar, just wan't sure how to go about it. I was think.. Is there a command to invoke a heartbeat, or someway to force PDQ to see it as online. I already added in a Start...
IDK if this will work for you, but we had a small network outage which caused about half my packages to show an error. It said it could not find the files with the path red. (We also use DFS) I wen...
Thanks you Stephen.. and I found the video too.