Austin Dukes
Simple Command line failing
So I have a simple command line I am running to rotate a screen. I run the command in powershell or command prompt outside of PDQ Deploy and it does its thing. The package I created, copies the pro...
Wake On Lan schedule
What we would like to do is take the PowerOn time out of the BIOS and have PDQ send a WOL at a certain. I wanted to make a schedule to do this, but I am not seeing a direct way to do this. I saw a ...
Baseline Package Question
So where I work we use FOG snapins to auto deploy machines. Let me give a run down of our process, and where the issue is. 1. FOG pushes base image to machine 2. SYSPrep process runs, SetupComplet...
Background Service is not running
I am referring to the script in this thread: https://support.adminarsenal.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/220479147-Remote-deployment-Background-service-not-running?input_string=Background%20Service%2...