Katie Sorenson
Give the Sleep Step a try. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqbYGlHXCCA The deployment will pause at the sleep step for however much time you specify and then resume the subsequent steps.
That's an item appearance option you can set. If you right-click a collection and select View > Item Appearance (or highlight the collection and hit Ctrl Shift F2) you can toggle 'Display as Sectio...
It resolves to the same IP as library.pdq.com does, according to the all-knowing nslookup -- Non-authoritative answer: Name: waws-prod-bay-023.cloudapp.net Address: Aliases: libr...
That would be Deploy checking into a resource on our Azure infrastructure. It's most likely looking for for new or downloading packages, since that's the bulk of what Deploy cares about. The sites ...
The same logic applies here as well. A cumulative update does NOT perform a feature upgrade, which it sounds like you're trying to do. The 1803 cumulative update will only install all the security ...
Hi there! It sounds like you're talking about feature upgrades rather than cumulative updates. Feature upgrades are moving from one build of Windows 10 to another, whereas cumulative update apply s...
Customer builds (which is what we've got for you if you hit us up at support@pdq.com) actually contain fixes from development specifically for customer-reported bugs that are slated for the next of...
Oftentimes, you need to pre-install those prerequisites before attempting a silent installation. Some installers don't handle such a situation with grace and poise (like we'd want them to). When do...
@Joe - Did you create a collection after creating your scan profile? Scan profiles gather information in order to build collections, and Deploy will see the collections but not the scan profiles t...
@John, You'll want to save each one as an XML file and then import (File > Import) those files into Deploy or Inventory. Some of those are packages and some are collections. You'll want to look at ...