Jacob Berger
Activity overview
Latest activity by Jacob Berger-
Jacob Berger commented, How do you update Office 365 with PDQ? Don't, the office updater does it better. While you could install a new version over the top, it takes longer than a regular update, you have to account for e...
Jacob Berger commented, Try deploying as "Deploy User (Interactive)"
Jacob Berger commented, Adam, make sure you have the following checked if your PCs are registering multiple addresses in DNS For PDQ Deploy Options > Preferences > Performance > Test multiple Addresses in Name Resolution...
Jacob Berger commented, Just put an exit /B 1 at the end of process found. Personally I would probably just split these up into steps in pdq and do just below in step 1 set EXE=Program.exeFOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI ...
Jacob Berger commented, I was doing it wrong. Can just add a pre-step or post-step to the library package. So now I just have below as a pre-step in the vlc library package and it works perfectly. %WINDIR%\System32\taskli...
Jacob Berger created a post, How to prevent pushing old library package to linked collection (match auto-download/deployment cleanup)?
I have a number of linked deployments set up with packages that nest library packages. For example, I would prefer the VLC package only install VLC If it's not running, instead of killing the progr...