Margus Potter
Deploy & Inventory big fan :)
Every package or step you create, put under Conditions > PDQ Inventory Collection > Is Not A Member > "Reboot Required" Its a PDQ Inventory built-in collection or create yourself "Computer > Needs ...
Usually they are like... Install Files: $(Repository)\setupfile.msi Parameters: TRANSFORMS="myfile.mst" Additional Files: $(Repository)\install\myfile.mst
Well, its a service and bunch of files. I am using similar commands for many things not installed, so version from file properties with cmd: wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\dwrcs\\DWRCS.exe"...
Found similar: Lex demonstrates how Easy it is to create heartbeat schedules in PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory to deploy applications to offline computers when they come back online. Youtube
Well.. I dont believe in default timestamps (win update or pdq deploy changes lots of stuff under inactive users folders and files). Second if you just delete useraccount folder, then you need also...
If you have correct backup then cmd > pdqinventory restoredatabase. Or check database.. my notes from past: Stop inventory service. Open sqlite console from Preferences or cmd: cd "%ProgramFiles(x8...
My heartbeat main usage example: I have monthly scheduled one package to install. If pc is offline then thats it. But if you add after schedule also heartbeat (5min etc), then when pc comes online ...
All is same as you described, dont need any bat, just create Step as Command and under Options select run as Logged on User. Works like a charm net use * /D /Y gpupdate /force
I did same in my 10 locations, 1 windows server with DFS namespace root and 9 basic ubuntu workstations (domain joined) with big harddrives for plain DFS repository deploy shares as referral tartge...
I have only OEM BIOS keys so I run in Deploy: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force $ProductKey = (Get-WmiObject -Class SoftwareLicensingService).OA3xOriginalProductKey iex "cscript /b C:\Windows\Syste...