Margus Potter
Deploy & Inventory big fan :)
for DFS issues and lots of referral targets, you can change dfs to specific site server with cmd step: # change DFS to LOCALSERVER2dfsutil client property state active \\\repository "\\L...
Office 2016 is a version of the Office productivity suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc).Office 365 is a cloud-based subscription to a suite of programs including Office 2016. I am looking this lit...
Never done it, but as usual rule for me, try first install directly in pc command line with same method and if it works it will work also from pdq. cmd step in pdq basically uses only additional ps...
HP Support Assistant Uninstall cmd step "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\UninstallHPSA.exe" /s /v/qn UninstallKeepPreferences=FALSE and second cmd (depends what version ...
but current latest sp108770 just extract with 7zip $(Repository)\HP\HPSA\sp108770\HPSA8x\HPSupportSolutionsFramework.exe $(Repository)\H...
Furthermore, HP Support Assistant sp101214.exe install is simple: $(Repository)\HP\HPSAv2\sp101214.exe /s /a /s /v" /qn" Done.
jep.. in install step you just point to main exe and check box Include Entire Directory.. thats it
I am using for years only Command step: powercfg.exe -h off and never failed.
just extract sp98862.exe.. and then from HPSupportSolutionsFramework.exe extract msi... use 7zip and %temp% folder... Alan: Reg.exe ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hewlett-Packard\HPActiveSupport\HP...