Well this will stop us upgrading, we have several vendor supplied systems with well over 1000 endpoints running them, that are unsupported past 4.7.2. So we are locked with that version for now. Ov...
Yes, unfortunately the DNS/VPN issue has rendered PDQ and inventory almost useless for our laptop fleet. Not PDQ's fault, but to compounding the issue our F5 VPN is very often passing the local cli...
We did this with the standard ISO with the following command line setup.exe /auto upgrade /DynamicUpdate enable /noreboot /quiet Had 2 have 2 different versions 32, 64bit Success rate was about...
I think you might be getting confused here. Endpoints always required. NET. Windows 10 by default includes .NET 4. Its just now PDQ requires a version that's not the default WIN 10 install.
it's always required some version of .NET? At least 4.5.1 i believe originally. Im happy if this is true and it's dropped back down to 4.6.1
this could suck when trying to target non domain machines - no gpo to fix it. im thinking DMZ servers.
PDQ Inventory automatically installs .NET if the machine is missing it, at least that's the default setting, it can be turned off. Found under Options=>Preferences=>.NET Installation.I thought it ...
Yes, Unfortunately link got pretty much stopped immediately by our security team.
Im reposting this in case it's helpful to you. I have added a timeout option and also the ability to use IP, if your DNS is a bit slow to update. In MDT I run this as the domain service account tha...
here's a screenshot of my 64bit package. We suppress the reboot for package we deploy during the day with the /noreboot switch. then have a job at night that reboots them