Craig Whetton
Meltdown-spectre patch collections
Please could we could a collection in Inventory that shows which computers are and which aren't patched against the meltdown-spectre vulnerabilities.
I need help make these collections better - help!
Currently, I have two dynamic collections to do with a piece of software.One looks to see if there is a specific file there and another looks to see if registry keys are there. These collections wo...
Scan Profile Age collection
I want to create a collection that shows computers that the last time they were scanned with a specific scan profile is older than x days. I know that within the scan profiles I can set it to scan ...
Scan Age doesn't seem to work correctly
We have standard scan to scan every night, and also if the scan age is more than 7 days old. When I was watching the video on scan profiles, it said that this scan age is for that scan profile, mea...
How do I set PDQ to only scan between certain times of the day?
For one of the scan profiles, I have a trigger set so that it scans every 30 mins. What I want to do is specify only scan between 8am and 4pm each day. Please could you tell me how to do this? I d...