Craig Whetton
Both test machines had a 32 bit verison of Office installed. I uninstalled Office on the first but it didn't quite remove it properly. Then found out there was an uninstaller in the Deploy Library ...
Thank you! That has worked for the most part. I've got a couple of issues now. Powershell believes that the data it receives is in MM/dd/yyyy format when it is really in dd/MM/yyyy format. The prob...
ah has hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what I was going for. Yesterday I had a CSV with records for 838 computers. Of those computers, there were roughly 50 different model numbers, althou...
This article is 4 years old, but I believe it is still all correct
This works. It's probably not the best way of doing this. $user = "$env:USERNAME"; $group = "Administrators"; $groupObj =[ADSI]"WinNT://./$group,group" $membersObj = @($groupObj.psbase.Invoke("Mem...
The best way I can think of doing this is having a login script GPO, that runs a PowerShell script. This PowerShell script checks the current user against the members of the local admins and then i...
$env:username if using PowerShell
We have a copy of the script set to export to our own desktop. This is at the start of the script. There are probably better ways of doing this. $folder = 'logins' Write-Host "" $Path = "$env:userp...
Apologies for not replying sooner. I didn't get any emails to say that there was a response. I will put something together and send it off.
Same issue in version This is quite the annoyance.