Network Tech - Cayuga Community College Responsible for maintaining and updating PDQ Deploy Server as well as some responsibilities for package management.
Does "Include Entire Directory" remove copied files after the package is deployed?
This is a bit of a mundane question, but do the files copied over to the target workstation using the "Include Entire Directory" option get deleted after the package deploys? I have a massive fold...
having trouble with a .msi file installed via setup.exe
We are trying to deploy a small program called the “Virtual Printer Driver” by Hyland. It is used in conjunction with a document management software called "Onbase". The installer comes as an MSI f...
errnoeous Computer unreachable or offline
We are attempting to deploy packages to a large number of clients, and with some PC's we experience “Computer unreachable or offline” when we know it isn’t offline as we can ping/RDP to it. I a...