sean johnson
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Latest activity by sean johnson-
sean johnson created a post, Did something change in how deploy writes to the DB?
As a kind of DB performance test after updating, I usually select a range or all past deployments and hit delete to see how long it takes to chug through removing them. Typically this takes a momen...
sean johnson commented, This is gold, thank you.
sean johnson commented, In Preferences under Active Directory make sure that Mixed Sync is selected under Delete Mode. Also make sure to add your graveyard OU to excluded containers below.
sean johnson created a post, Brainstorming workarounds to PDQ agent removal
The most useful feature of the PDQ agent for us is that it live updates Current User whenever a change occurs. This has made finding our users when they call tremendously faster (what's your Name? ...
sean johnson commented, Same here, on "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error."
sean johnson created a post, Heads up on Firefox ESR 60.6.1
Firefox ESR 60.6.1 / Normal 66.0.3 breaks most addons. If these are important to you or your environment, don't deploy it. The fix for it is out and should hit PDQ package library whenever they do ...
sean johnson commented, Use the German Exe from The PDQ auto update package just uses the EXE with an ini file for configuration, you can further customize by copying over the cf...
sean johnson commented, we have been fighting the same thing here, We recently went through and named our schedules per application and deleted everything blank. A few QOL changes with schedules would be a handy change do...
sean johnson commented, Does this fit what you are looking for ? Invoke-Command -ComputerName "PDQSERVERHERE" -ScriptBlock { pdqdeploy Deploy -Packa...
sean johnson commented, net use "M:" \\server\share /p:yes I just did this in PDQ deploy and it worked for me