I'm assuming your deploying CC 2019 created through the Adobe Admin console. This is specific to Adobe XD only. For the other Adobe apps, target the msi file and use the default parameters set by...
Hey Brigg, Wow.....that is some testing! Thanks for being thorough! I'm working on something else at the moment, but I was able to successfully install Adobe XD using setup --silent via command li...
Hi Chris, Can you confirm during the PDQ live session - whether the deployment the guys demonstrated worked or not? You guys ended the session broadcast while it was still deploying. Reason I pose...
I have an "app" folder (1.4GB) residing on the computers once deployed.
Hmmm.... i was looking over my old deployments...especially the failures, and noticed I was also receiving the exit code 259. Appears I cheated and simply added 259 to the success codes. Sorry I do...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/create-a-network-installation-of-visual-studio?view=vs-2017 Once I created the offline package and had my response.json I created a PDQ package...
Oracle_Client12cR2.bat REM Copy folder Oracle Client 11gR2 and manually install via setup xcopy "\fileshare\Deploy\Oracle Client 12cR2\winx64_12102_client" /s /e c:\winx64_12102_client /y /i xcopy ...
Thanks SelfMan for the help. Network A and B are both internal. Would I just google up some documentation "networks over a VPN" to look at your suggestion?
Legend with example names - hope it doesn't confuse you and hope I got this information right..... Name of DC/DNS server (sits in Network A)- alpha Name of file server (sits in Network B) - zeus N...
Results..... Switched back to \\ip of file server >>> downloads but errors out "The username or password is incorrect". Switched to \\name of file server >> working properly