David Hendy
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David Hendy commented, did anyone ever get anywhere with this?
David Hendy commented, yes! this works for me. holding steady 600-odd users so far. thanks
David Hendy created a post, Generating large Dynamic Collection XML externally for import - need a big collection of logged-on specific users
I want a dynamic collection of all the machines that have the logged-on users from a list of particular users. I could create the collection manually, adding each logged-on user line by line, but t...
David Hendy commented, ooh nice. will certainly give this a go today
David Hendy commented, that's a shame. not to worry. I see the overall command history, but was after a per-host one. cheers
David Hendy created a post, is there a Run Command function history?
The Powershell/DOS command tool is great, but where is the history of commands run against a single host? It's not logged to the deployment list.
David Hendy commented, only after they've started to deploy though. I want to be able to mark a package as -always- high priority
David Hendy commented, Yes. I want this too. Can't see any option still
David Hendy commented, both excellent posts, thanks. I think I'll explore the VPN-origin option more actually as this seems a more surefire way of disallowing PDQ traffic over cellular
David Hendy created a post, Abandoning deployment if machine is using 4G/5G carrier data plan
Can anyone think of a way to have PDQ *not* deploy to a device if it's using a 4G/5G SIM/dongle or is tethered to a mobile? To make this even harder, to know outside of a VPN to the corporate netwo...