Sam Flancisco
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Latest activity by Sam Flancisco-
Sam Flancisco commented, Oh yeah. Not enough coffee this morning. Thanks.
Sam Flancisco created a post, How do customers download the latest deploy and inventory?
I seem to get lost on the way every time. Like it wants me email and name when I use this link https://landing.pdq.com/download-form. But we're customers. Wheres the portal that I can quickly get t...
Sam Flancisco commented, Bump?
Sam Flancisco created a post, Access is denied on some hosts when running deploy
This problem is only affecting about 5% or less of our hosts. I run a deploy task (any task) and particular hosts fail with Access is denied. Im pretty sure something is the matter with the way I'v...
Sam Flancisco created a post, Can't find the ps module. I need to install it so I can import PDQ module
This is the case I'm after. I want to use something similar to this code to get PDQ inventory to run a report daily since I guess theres no way to schedule report runs? Anyway, I can't find the P...
Sam Flancisco commented, Much solve. Very brains
Sam Flancisco commented, OK thanks, it got past the FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b {*') DO set lgpodir=%%i but the error is now on the next line. It seems that %lgpodir% isn't set. C:\LGPO.exe /parse /m C:\%lgpodir%\DomainSysv...
Sam Flancisco commented, Just a bit more info - see how it works manually: My command:C:\>FOR /F %i IN ('dir /b {*') DO set lgpodir=%iShell replies:C:\>set lgpodir={2F335FBA-8D0F-4A23-BAD9-CF2E8ACDE7CE}
Sam Flancisco created a post, Deploy CMD is complaining the syntax is incorrect but the syntax IS correct
The following 3 lines I can run on cmd shell without issue, I do it all the time, which is why I wanted to PDQ it up. C:\lgpo.exe /b C:\FOR /F %i IN ('dir /b {*') DO set lgpodir=%iC:\LGPO.exe /pars...
Sam Flancisco commented, /? got it to cough up the params I needed That solved the case, thanks!