Andrew Wallhauser
Access Your License Keys
Overview: How to access your Deploy & Inventory keys within the billing portal. Log into your PDQ account at On the 'Dashboard’ page, select ‘Download’ Click on ‘Copy lice...
Changing the Account Owner
Overview: These instructions will guide you through assigning a brand-new owner for your PDQ account. Only the current owner can transfer ownership of your PDQ account. (If your new account owner...
Vendor Onboarding and Security
Access our comprehensive documents to cover the most common information and security requests we receive for vendor onboarding. If you do not find the information you need in the Short Form, please...
Accessing Your Invoices & Receipts
You can access previous invoices and receipts in the billing portal at any time: Log into your PDQ Account at On the 'Billing’ page, select 'Invoices’ - Any invoices rela...
Inviting Your Team to Your Account
Overview: This article covers how to invite members of your team to access your organization's PDQ account. The account owner and any users with the 'admin' role can invite users to join your accou...
Team Roles and Permissions
Overview: This article covers each of the roles you can assign to your team within PDQ's billing portal. Owner – This role has full access to your PDQ account and is the primary point of contact ...
Billing Portal Overview & FAQ
Overview: We are on a mission to integrate all the awesome products under the PDQ umbrella. The first step on this journey is to unify the way users log in and manage the applications they use. W...
Transfer Account Ownership to a New Administrator
Overview: This article covers how to securely transfer ownership of your PDQ billing account to a new administrator. Only the account owner can transfer ownership of your PDQ account. You are t...
Cancelling Your Subscription
Overview This article will guide you through cancelling your PDQ Deploy & Inventory subscription. Cancel your account Log into your PDQ account at On the Dashboard page, se...
Subscription Email Preferences
Overview: This article covers everything related to subscription emails and how to update your subscription contacts. Adding a New Contact The account owner and any users with the 'admin' role can ...