Brigg Angus
Official comment
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, we have two resources that explain the optional Agent: The Agent FAQThe Official Agent Blog Post (Provides an overview of the Agent and links to the documenta...
From the description, it seems the scanner service is (maybe) not stopping and removing itself. Would you check services.msc for any PDQ services on the target. If it exists, scan the machine again...
Official comment
Good news. With the introduction of Inventory 15 (the beta was released yesterday), you can get the DNS information on machines using the WMI Scanner, including the DNS search order. There's an exa...
Hi William. I created a registry scanner that scanned for that same key and was able to confirm that all instances of Windows Defender were correct. Would you post a screenshot or two showing the i...
Hi James. Yes, that's all that's necessary to distinguish between the two. When the package is deployed it evaluates the condition for the step, then will skip or run the step depending on the arch...
Hi David. There are a few options here. That error is usually indicative of an update issue. Since it's not a fatal error, it could indicate that a component dll or other file is missing, corrupt, ...
Hi Curtis. In our testing, using LAPS does require disabling Remote UAC. If you are using LAPS as your single local administrative solution (recommended), this doesn't provide an increased security...
Official comment
Good news. With the introduction of PDQ Inventory 14, you can now use LAPS with PDQ Inventory (and by extension, PDQ Deploy). For more information, please see this article: LAPS Integration With PD...
Official comment
We've identified this as an issue within PDQ Inventory that should be resolved with the RTM version of PDQ Inventory 12.
Official comment
I've updated the Chrome bitness article to reflect the new registry Scan Profile (same link). I removed the SQL report as it doesn't show all x64 versions since they can report in the registry a fe...