Brigg Angus
Create Event Viewer Log Files to Filter PDQ Events
Overview You would like to create a filtered Event Viewer file with specific PDQ information, include Event Viewer files (.EVTX) with your support ticket, or would like to filter PDQ events in Even...
Deep Freeze, PDQ Inventory, and You: A Useful Guide for the Deep Freeze Administrator
Purpose:You have Deep Freeze installed on computers within your environment and would like to create reports or collection to view the Deep Freeze status of those computers. NOTES: Deep Freeze s...
WMI operation timed out
Purpose You receive the WMI operation timed out error when attempting to scan one or more target machines. Resolution The operation may be taking longer than expected or there may be a problem with...
Auto Download: Convert to a Standard Package
Purpose:You wish to convert an Auto Download package to a Standard package (does not automatically update). Typically, this is done when you need to add a step that is not a Pre or Post step or nee...
CPU/GPU Utilization and PDQ Animation Tuning
PDQ Deploy and Inventory will attempt to detect if hardware acceleration is available and set the frame rate for animations accordingly. In certain cases, this is insufficient. You can either disab...
Test A Deployment Outside of PDQ Deploy (with PowerShell)
Purpose: You wish to check to ensure deployments work outside of the PDQ Deploy program. This can be useful in troubleshooting a myriad of possible issues. Requirements: In order to perform this te...
Create Packages for Air-gap/Offline (No-Internet Networks)
Purpose: You wish to move PDQ Deploy packages from an internet-enabled network to you offline/air-gap network. Resolution: There are a few ways to do this, but all of them center on moving data fro...
PDQ Inventory Registry Scanner: Usage & Examples
Purpose: You wish to use the Registry Scanner to locate registry keys and values on target systems within your network. Resolution: Obtaining useful and accurate results from the Registry Scanner i...
Using Multiple Transform Files in PDQ Deploy
Purpose: You wish to deploy a software package with multiple transform (MST) files. Resolution: Use the TRANSFORMS property in Install step parameters to enumerate transform files. 1. In instances ...
Deploy Desktop Shortcut with Custom Icon File
Overview You wish to deploy a shortcut (URL, UNC path, local path) with a custom icon (.ico) file to all users. Methods Powershell 1. Create a .ps1 file called LinkMaker.ps1 (Or whatever you want. ...