Brigg Angus
Package Failed Authenticode Verification
Purpose When attempting to download a package (automatically or manually) from the Package Library in PDQ Deploy you receive the following error, or similar, "Package Failed Authenticode Verificati...
Create Event Viewer Log Files to Filter PDQ Events
Overview You would like to create a filtered Event Viewer file with specific PDQ information, include Event Viewer files (.EVTX) with your support ticket, or would like to filter PDQ events in Even...
Why are my systems always undergoing a scan?
PurposeThe computers listed in PDQ Inventory are scanning continuously. ResolutionThere can be a few reasons why this is happening: You have set a very aggressive scan interval with a more intensi...
Unable to Wake Computer in N Minutes/Hours
Purpose You receive an error, "Unable to wake [ComputerName] in [N] [time]". For example:The error is logged as, "AdminArsenal.PDQInventory.Tools.Wake.WakeTimeoutException" Resolution Wake-on-LAN w...
OUs Not Showing in PDQ Inventory (AD Sync) Containing Computer Objects
Purpose You perform an AD Sync on an Active Directory Organizational Unit (OU) containing computer objects; and the OU is not listed in the PDQ Inventory Tree item. NOTE: By default, PDQ...
Package Names Are Ordered Differently in the Console and the CLI
Purpose You notice that package names in the PDQ Deploy console and the PDQ Deploy Command Line Interface are ordered differently. Resolution When enumerating packages using the GetPackageNames CLI...
Test A Deployment Outside of PDQ Deploy (with PowerShell)
Purpose: You wish to check to ensure deployments work outside of the PDQ Deploy program. This can be useful in troubleshooting a myriad of possible issues. Requirements: In order to perform this te...
Switch to Local Mode
Purpose You want to understand what to do when migrating from a PDQ console running in Server Mode or a PDQ console running in Client Mode to a PDQ console running in Local Mode and you are present...
Create a Zero-impact Package to Test Deployments & Schedules
Purpose: You wish to deploy a package with zero-impact* to target computers within your organization. Some of the reasons for doing so include: You are new to PDQ Deploy or new to creating your ow...
Service Manager Access Denied
Purpose:You receive an error, Access denied to the computer's service manager on the target computer. Resolution:This security error may be caused by the user account not being an administrator of ...