Brigg Angus
Auto Download: Convert to a Standard Package
Purpose:You wish to convert an Auto Download package to a Standard package (does not automatically update). Typically, this is done when you need to add a step that is not a Pre or Post step or nee...
LAPS Error: Access is Denied
Purpose:You receive an "Access is denied" error when attempting to use LAPS credentials in PDQ Inventory, most often with Windows 10 build 1607 and higher. NOTE: In most cases of the "Access is Den...
PDQ Inventory Files & Directories Scanner: Usage & Examples
Purpose:You wish to use the Files & Directories Scanner (previously the Files Scanner) to locate files and directories on target systems within your network. Applies to:PDQ Inventory Version 16+Res...
Encryption in PDQ Deploy
Purpose:You wish to understand how PDQ Deploy protects credentials.Resolution:PDQ Deploy uses three separate AES-encrypted keys to store password information in the PDQ Deploy database. One key is ...
Error: No Backups Scheduled
Purpose: You receive one of the following errors: No backups scheduled. Create a schedule for future backups No backups scheduled. Modify your schedule for future backups Resolution: If you receive...
Invalid Backup Location. Correct the Backup Location
Purpose: You receive the error, Invalid backup location. Correct the backup location or similar error indicating the database backup location is invalid. Resolution: Correct the Backup Location pa...
Target Requires Reboot to Complete .NET Installation
Purpose: In PDQ Inventory, you receive the message, "Target requires reboot to complete .NET installation": Resolution: This indicates the .NET installer returned an error code of 3010 (ERROR_SUCC...
The Service Did Not Start Due to a Logon Failure
Purpose: You receive an error, "The service did not start due to a logon failure". The error is also logged as "AdminArsenal.ServiceLogonFailureException" and "AdminArsenal.Services.BackgroundServi...
How to Configure PDQ Inventory to Install Microsoft .NET Framework on Your Target Computers
Purpose:You wish to install the required version of .NET on your target machines using PDQ Inventory. NOTE: Versions and below require .NET 4.5.2 for the console and target machines. Vers...
Failed to Connect to the Server: Client and Server Versions Don't Match
Purpose:You receive one of the following errors when attempting to connect the PDQ Client Mode instance to the PDQ instance running in Server Mode: Server and Client versions don't match, Client mu...