Brigg Angus
The Specified Server Cannot Perform the Requested Operation
Purpose You receive the error, "Bad Network Response - The specified server cannot perform the requested operation." This is typically associated with a Windows error 58, ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP. You mi...
PDQ Inventory Files & Directories Scanner: Usage & Examples
Purpose:You wish to use the Files & Directories Scanner (previously the Files Scanner) to locate files and directories on target systems within your network. Applies to:PDQ Inventory Version 16+Res...
Switch to Local Mode
Purpose You want to understand what to do when migrating from a PDQ console running in Server Mode or a PDQ console running in Client Mode to a PDQ console running in Local Mode and you are present...
Failed to Connect to the Server: Client and Server Versions Don't Match
Purpose:You receive one of the following errors when attempting to connect the PDQ Client Mode instance to the PDQ instance running in Server Mode: Server and Client versions don't match, Client mu...
Server Disconnected
Purpose: You receive the following error:PDQ Deploy:PDQ Inventory: Resolution: If PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory is not operating in Central Server mode (e.g. running in Local mode), ensure the Backgr...
Service Manager Access Denied
Purpose:You receive an error, Access denied to the computer's service manager on the target computer. Resolution:This security error may be caused by the user account not being an administrator of ...
File Access Authorization
Reviewed 3/8/2021 Purpose:You receive an error indicating access has been denied to a file or directory. Resolution:This error can occur if the user is not a member of the Administrators group or ...
An extended error has occurred
Purpose:You receive either, "An extended error has occurred" or "An unknown error has occurred within the network interface driver on the target computer."Resolution:The error can be caused and res...
The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to
PurposeYou receive the error, "The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to" or, "The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be logged on to". This mean...
WMI invalid class
You receive an error (or similar), WMI invalid class, when running a WMI scan or you receive the error as part of a scan that does not include a WMI scanner. Troubleshooting steps In either of the ...