Dan Sadler
Windows 10 1703 - PDQ Deploy
I'm having a hard time finding out if I can use PDQ to install/upgrade to 1703 on my Windows 10 machines. All my machines currently have 1607, but I would like to test deploy 1703 to a couple. I...
TIP - Win 10 1703 - Internet Explorer - Hide Open Microsoft Edge tab
I just now noticed this when I updated to Win 10 1703, but IE11 now has an option beside the tabs to open in Microsoft Edge. . . This annoyed me. The Fix - Deploy a Reg Key -- 1 removes - 0 ad...
Windows Secuirty Update KB4012215 - CRM2011
Just a heads up to anyone using CRM2011. Windows Security Update breaks some viewing in CRM2011 PDQ Deploy - Command Step - Wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:4012215 /quiet /norestart
Konica Minolta
Curious if anyone knows of any Silent switches for Konica Minotla. I'm attempting to use their Driver Packaging Utility which creates a .exe but I can't figure out if they have any silent switches...
Office 365 Download
Can you anyone tell me if I'm missing something? I'm attempting to download the Office365 onto my local drive so I can move it a shared drive for PDQ, but everytime I try the setup.exe /download c...
PowerShell Guru - Request
I'm curious if any of the PowerShell Guru's would help me with a request. I have a script I use once in awhile that I'd like to be setup in a GUI style. Script just "extends" the users password. B...
Uninstall Microsoft Office 2010 - Powershell
I'm using the PDQ Offered Office 2010 uninstall. Works fantastic on most, however I'm seeing a few erroring out with "Package returned error code -65536" Inside the output log it says "Windows Pow...
Office 2010 and Office 2013
I'm trying to create a collection that displays PC with both Office 2010 and Office 2013. Apparently the install of 2013 didn't FULLY remove 2010 off a lot of computers it left it in the Add/Remo...
Chrome / Chromium Question
Has anyone had an issue with Chromium and users installing it? I ask because we are allowing Chrome to be installed now with set GPOs, but I'm worried a few "smart ones" will download Chromium whi...
Chrome Shortcut Removal ?
Anyone have a way to remove the Desktop Shortcut for the Chrome Ent Install? I tried the two ways below and both failed on me. I want to prevent Chrome from having a desktop shortcut. PS- remove-it...