Dan Sadler
I haven't had this issue using the PDQ Packaged Adobe Reader. I have found I sometimes have to do a repair on one every once in a while.
I created my own package for AdobeConnect installer with /VERYSILENT parameter in case you wanted to package it yourself.
I'd also love the ability to deploy my custom packages. Would even purchase "Cloud Storage Space" from PDQ if my files needed to reside out there! 😃
I like this idea. Allowing the Auto-Download/Auto-Deploy file to "download" the file a set amount of days beforehand but not actually install until the set day mark would be very helpful for my DF...
Late response, but I can think of a few ways that "might" help accomplish this. First would be to use a software called ORCA where you can modify the install msi/exe and then save the new install ...
You should be able to add this directly to the Registry. GPO would be my recommendation, but if GPO isn't an option you could deploy this out. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Window...
It's almost there..It does everything except Disable the user, and it errors out at the move part. I'm going back through to make sure i didn't mistype something #import AD module - search the...
So the top part of my script is still good? Would that part search the tobeseperated OU only and then perform the rest? import-module activedirectory $users=get-aduser -SearchBase "OU=tobeseperat...
Thanks Heath and Gary! I think Heath's will work just fine.
They did an article about deploying Adobe Cloud. I would imagine you could follow these steps and as Adobe Cloud updates come out you could re-download - redeploy the latest version. If Adobe Clo...