Dan Sadler
awesome! did you run into issues with Applications missing or profiles getting corrupt?
I haven't tried it yet. This became a low priority.
I actually deploy Lenovo System Update out from PDQ Deploy. I grab the systemupdate.exe file from Lenovo, add the parameter /VERYSILENT and push it to all our laptops. My next step which I haven...
So i found the solution. I have the GPO Policy for the Start Menu. The problem is when the computers go off "Company Internet" the Start Menu GPO doesn't "hold" I'm assuming because it's looking ...
Pro is what we're running.
They aren't anything from what I can tell... They are just blank tiles. If I click them nothing happens. If I right click I can "unpin from start" but they come right back. It's like they were ...
Totally didn't see you comment on this forever ago. If I try using ? or /? it just loads to the Agree or Disagree screen again.
Sorry, this download link isn't available anymore is the error I get when clicking! :(
This is what my XML looks like for Windows 10. This Sets Two Specific Rows the user CAN'T change, but allows them to manually add their own. I have set it so by default everyone can see the off...