Tom Lyczko
Yes. I created a package with this command: c:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe /detectnow /updatenow
Ugh. I don't know if that's worth forking over an additional $500 for. I may have to keep track manually etc., time will tell. PDQ Deploy is only being used for Flash and Reader, nothing else, sinc...
You're right...Spiceworks does keep inventory but it's clunky in various ways but I have a spice server set up, I may try making some custom groups but I don't yet know if/how that can check versio...
Again that's tied to the deployment/schedule. What I'm looking for is to always check regardless of schedule, deployment, etc. I'll have to ask support I think.
Well!! The free version does the dynamic collections you mention. I don't know if it's worth spending money just for automatic scans though, I could do them manually every so often. I shall try it ...
The time part doesn't matter to me, wrt the stop deployment, that only applies to the current deployment, not any future deployments.
Also, this is the feature request thread for PDQ Deploy.
I think maybe you're assuming we have PDQ Inventory. We don't. My feature request still stands, make this possible for people who do not use PDQ Inventory. Thank you, Tom
I did not find anything in the help about this. Please explain where/how to find/do do this. We have an enterprise license. I should be able to create a target list that includes all our computers ...