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Latest activity by klaus.binder-
klaus.binder created a post, Eclipse Temurin Java JRE
Hi all, on April 21 the new Eclipse Temurin Java JDK packages were released, but I still miss the related JREs...? Is there a schedule when these will be available? Thanks a lot!
klaus.binder commented, Hi Chad, already downloaded and deployed. Thanks a lot!
klaus.binder created a post, Eclipse Temurin Java 8u352 and 17.0.5+8
Hi All, any information about when these updates will be available als PDQ Packages?
klaus.binder commented, I opened a support ticket and it almost immediately did the trick: Thank you for the hint!
klaus.binder commented, In the meantime the current version is 2.16.20 from 2022-04-27... Still waiting for the new package.