I'm going to jump on this train, things have been getting worse and worse for load times. PDQ Deploy especially. I have Inventory and Deploy running on their own VM with 16GB RAM and SSD drives wit...
Damn... was really hoping PDQ would get there first. https://chocolatey.org/solutions/self-service-anywhere After today's O365 disaster update, I started back on the hunt for self-service. Not sure...
Nevermind, my bad. The quotations were not plain-text. Corrected: Get-DnsClientServerAddress | Where-Object ServerAddresses -Like "10.*" | select InterfaceAlias, @{Name="ServerAddresses";Expression...
*Face Palm* Thanks... was going after disk drive, and looked for partition, didn't notice logical disk. Cheers,Jeremy
Sorry, so the trick is to disable scanning on that device, then some fields can be managed. Any hope in an SNMP crawl in a later version?
I have mine running with elevated privileges. When run correctly in the command line, the output should show like this: Scan Profile: Custom Scan ProfileComputers : 10 : COMPUTER1 ...
To anyone looking for a workaround on this since it's not natively(and may not be) available in the UI, you can do this with the CLI and task manager. The following command will run a scan profile ...
Thanks Shane, Must have had my blinders on not to think of creating a custom tool for something that was already there. Cheers,Jeremy
Hi Shawn, I'm in the same situation (case #29464) . Single admin, 19 remote locations. DFS is only useful if you have servers in each remote location, but the UNC path would also need to be modifie...
What i need is for the file not to come back to me. For example, if i have an installer on a share in another city, the file will copy from their city to mine, and deploy the file back to their cit...