Weird PS Scanner results, works fine anywhere else
I was working on a PS scanner to collect DNS servers clients are using. This works fine in PowerShell and PS Remote, but the PDQ PS Scanner really doesn't like it. Weird characters are returning as...
Disk Health with new PS Scanner
Used to have to rely on PDQ Deploy to run a package to output drive status to a txt file, then use "Files & Directories" in Inventory to pick up the results to report disk heath.....*whew* Now with...
PS Scanner as logged on user
I know i'm really going to enjoy the PS scanner. There are some limitations with scanning profiles because you don't have the ability to run as the logged on user. So, the "Mapped Drives" scanner ...
BitLocker Collection?
Hi there, Is there a way to create a dynamic group or report that will show devices with BitLocker encrypted drives? Thanks,Jeremy
Non-Windows Devices?
Just looking for clarification in adding "Non-Windows Devices". What are some examples of these devices? Tried adding a NAS to it, with SNMP enabled, but it doesn't look to collect that data, nor i...
Scan Profile Only for Specific Collection
Hi there, I need to run a scan profile (file scanner) against a small group of computers on a daily basis so that I can get auto-reports (thanks BTW). The issue is that in order to have everything ...
TightVNC Viewer Parameters
Can I please make a feature request to allow passing of TightVNC viewer parameters when specifying the viewer within PDQ Inventory? I would like the ability to pass on the parameters to auto-scale ...