Andreas Quadt
Shane, this is not good, because how you will find out if the System has installed the fix or not. i think this one of the urgent feature that we missed.
It would be nice if you can change this manualy in the column.
Selfman, this is a general Problem. PDQ Deploy Pro need a option to implement in the installer option external http/ftp file links. PDQ Deploy Pro has already everything in the installer library, b...
Marc, i saw this today by us on a Batch Script Installation of MS patches. I send the Installation to 30 machines and on only 25 machines the Installation works fine on the other 5 machines came di...
Arjan, have you test it ? If please let me know if this works for you.
Arjan, we using following powershell script for it. this script is checking if somebody is logged on or not. if not the script is doing a shutdown. you need a all files (.exe & .ps1) below for runn...
Ahamed, we use in our Company the "GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi" installer package. this is maybe the problem why the silentuninstall.exe doesn´t work for you. try to install the msi packag...
Shadhir, you can use the "silentuninstall.exe" tool from the following web site. http://www.scriptingsimon.com/2010/10/silently-uninstalling-software/ if you use following command: silentuninstall....
Ahamed, Try instead of "Google Chrome" only "Google". see the attached Screen Regards Andreas
The silent switch for the uninstall flash player app is "-uninstall".