Jo Vanattenhoven
Where can I find the event log?
Sorry, nothing relevant (and on the moment of execution).
The problem is that the error code doesn't come from Sophos, but from PDQ inventory and I want to know what it means.
Thank you, but it doesn't show up correctly. I started first with all computers that are online, then under this group, I search for the program that is installed, and then the last group I set the...
And how can I do that?
It should be a dynamic collection, because it should show a list for pc's where a certain soft needs to be reinstalled.
And how exactly do I find, or better, where do I find this scan profile?
Marvelous! Thanks a lot. Great program, great support, what else do you want! Jo
What if the actual setup file resides in a folder that resides in another folder? Is this possible?