Eddie Rowe
HKEY_USERS Registry Scanning Examples?
Am I overlooking examples for setting up a registry scanner for HKEY_Users? (lots of GREAT examples for HKLM) I am confused why I need to wildcard the Include pattern to have "**\Software" rather t...
Collection for Firefox 57 Bad Microcode
So looks like there is the potential to have crashing Firefox due to old microcode per https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/microcode-update. Any idea how to speak hex for a value comparison for a...
Packages With Reboot Step In The Middle
We purchased an upgrade to one of our standard apps, but some water has gone under the bridge since our last upgrade. The developer/MSI package created did a pretty poor job of helping customers u...
Repackaging, Uninstalling Silly Vendors Software
We need to be able to install software that was not really designed with a company use like printer/scanner software that has a custom, yet "brain dead" installer that harkens back to Windows 9x in...
Office 2016 - Pre-cache files?
Prior versions of Office had an option to pre-cache the files in the C:\MSOCache\ folder over time and then later you could launch the installs on multiple systems. Has anyone done this with 2016 ...
Office 2016 - Pesky .XML File Looks To Other Systems
I worked with the OCT program to create a "work in process" setup while working on the templates to make Office more secure (you would be shocked to see how unsecure Office is until you install tho...
Ethernet Configuration?
Is there a property I am overlooking that would let me find NICs that have been hard-coded to a specific speed rather than autodetect?
Office 2016 Standard Deployment and Management
We were planning on upgrading to Office 2016, but it appears Microsoft has pulled the rug out from under us by not allowing the usage of Group Policy to manage Office 2016 Standard deployments. I ...
Copy files from target to PDQ Deploy Server?
Can we copy files from a target back up the server? Just discovered some PCs with an older version of an application that I worry might not have compatible data files with the newest version. I th...
Upgrade Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application to
Has anyone used PDQ Deploy 8.1 to upgrade to the most recent Creative Cloud desktop application? Adobe released a security update for the Creative Cloud Desktop Application last week and I learned...