Since we're around to the latest release of Building Design Suite 2017, I thought I'd post my process to successfully deploy. I did not require the BAT step but followed the advice of others to si...
Eamonn O'Brien - you're a genius! Thanks very much for posting this info. Saved me more time than I'd already spent trying to resolve this same issue.
For us, the fix ended up pretty simple - we set the PDQ deployment to include entire directory (yes, all 4.7 GB). With that, I was able to use the modified BAT file included in the Autodesk deploy...
Was looking for instructions this morning. Found official documentation from Bitdefender here: https://www.bitdefender.com/support/install-bitdefender-security-agent-through-msi-package-1695.html ...
Lord, Jerry & Bouma, Colby - this script is great. It worked beautifully when executing on a local machine or via PDQ Deploy. Thank you! Is there a way to integrate the script into Inventory to m...
Thank you so much, Colby - your code got me most of the way there. I had to use Match instead of Contains (the latter was being finicky) and dropped $Result from the end of your first line onto it...
Thanks for all the info posted previously! For those having issues upgrading Windows 10 to 1903, try executing from a command line: "\\YourServerPath\setup.exe" /Auto Upgrade /MigrateDrivers All /S...
Hi Jason - thanks for the article! To some degree, that makes sense. The difference that I'm seeing from my results as opposed to the article is that when I add the "Application Name" column, I a...
Very good question! If I right click the report and select "New Collection from Report" to ensure that my filters are identical, my list of computers is dramatically smaller and looks to be accura...
Hi Chris - gotcha re: the INI path. Makes sense! I didn't even pick back up on the I vs L discrepancy again. I know that earlier in the thread I ran into issues when I deployed with the "/I" (eye...